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Components of a Decision Support System

There are three main components of a typical decision support system (DSS). These three components are data management, model management, and user interface management.

Data Management Component

This component of a DSS system performs the function of storing and maintaining information. Information used in a DSS system mainly comes form three sources. These sources are organizational information, external information, and personal information. Organization information can be found in an organizations databases and data warehouses. External information can come from many sources outside an organization, one main external source being the internet. Lastly, personal information about ones insights and experiences can be used in a DSS system.

Model Management Component

A model is a representation of some event, fact, or situation. There are many different types of models that can be used, two examples being optimization models and goal-seeking models. The model used depends on what kind of decisions need to be made, as well as what kind of analysis is required. The model management component helps in the quick creation and manipulation of different models, but the best model to use for each situation requires human expertise.

User Interface Management Component

This component of a DSS system is the part of the system that allows a user to interact with the DSS system. The user interface is used to enter information, commands, and models. A well designed interface is crucial if the full capabilities of a DSS system are to be used. A well designed interface uses understandable terminology, easy to understand methods, and is also flexible, adaptable.

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