Immanuel Kant, but Gengis Khan.
What a silly little user page, huh? Maybe I could add a picture here or something.
I've been finding lately that I spend alot of time watching recent changes for evidence of vandalism.
- Recent changes by anonymous users
- Google Watch (scroll down to "Who owns that IP number?")
- Network Tools
- Some of my canned message text
- Weeding_Wild_Wikipedia
When that gets boring, I like mindless grunt work. Topbanana has been very helpful in that regard.
Topbanana's reports that I like to work with:
- User:Topbanana/Reports/This_page_contains_a_link_that_might_be_mis-punctuated/U_-_Z
- User:Topbanana/Reports/This_article_contains_a_repeated_word
Other users have good stuff that I've just been to busy to plagarize yet:
- Angela's useful stuff page
- Andrewa's thread mode warning discussion
- Standard Ship Tables
- Finlay McWalter boilerplate on dealing with autobiographies