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Plain marzipan being rolled flat
Alternative namesMarzapane, marchpane
Main ingredientsAlmond meal, sugar
VariationsPersipan, frutta martorana

Marzipan is a confection consisting primarily of sugar and almond meal (ground almonds), sometimes augmented with almond oil or extract.

It is often made into sweets; common uses are chocolate-covered marzipan and small marzipan imitations of fruits and vegetables. It can also be used in biscuits or rolled into thin sheets and glazed for icing cakes, primarily birthday cakes, wedding cakes and Christmas cakes. Marzipan may also be used as a baking ingredient, as in stollen or banket. In some countries, it is shaped into small figures of animals as a traditional treat for New Year's Day or Christmas. Marzipan is also used in Tortell, and in some versions of king cake eaten during the Carnival season.[1]

Marzipan bars

Around the world

A marzipan map of the European Union made by the Budapest Marzipan Museum, commemorating the induction of Hungary into the union in 2004



The Geographical indications and traditional specialities in the European Union recognize two marzipans in Europe: one in Toledo (Spain)[2] and one in Lübeck (Germany).[3]

Southern Europe


In Spain, marzipan is a traditional Christmas dessert (mazapán), although in Toledo, where the first written reference of this product dates back to 1512, it is eaten all year round. In Italy, particularly in Palermo, marzipan (marzapane) is often shaped and painted with food colourings to resemble fruit—frutta martorana—especially during the Christmas season and on Il Giorno dei Morti (All Souls' Day) on November 2. May 9 and 10 are also special days for eating marzipan in Sicily.[4] In Portugal, where the confection has been traditionally made by nuns,[5] marzipan (maçapão) is used to make fruit-shaped sweets; in the Algarve region in particular it is a very common sweet, where it is shaped like fruits and filled with Fios de ovos. There are other regions, as Toledo in Spain in which marzipan (mazapán) is shaped into simple animal shapes, and sometimes filled in with egg yolk (yema) and sugar. In Greece and Cyprus, marzipan is made in a variety of shapes and sizes and is almost always left white.[citation needed] In the islands of the Aegean in particular, white marzipan is considered a wedding treat and is served to guests at wedding feasts.[citation needed] In Malta, marzipan is used as a filling in the traditional Maltese Easter treats called Figolla. In Turkey marzipan is also popular, it's called badem ezmesi, two regional variations of it are registered in Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.[6]

Northern Europe

Turku cathedral cake made with marzipan

In Denmark, Sweden and Norway, it is customary to snack on marzipan pigs around Christmas, marzipan shaped as eggs around Easter, and kransekage on New Year's Eve.[7][8] It is also used in a large variety of cakes and confectioneries unrelated to the holidays, including træstammer, gåsebryst, and napoleonshatte, and as an ingredient in remonce-filling for Danish pastry.[9][10][11]

In Maiasmokk café in Tallinn, Estonia, there is a small museum dedicated to the history and manufacture of marzipan.[12]

Traditional Swedish princess cake is typically covered with a layer of marzipan that has been tinted pale green or pink.

Traditional Finnish Käpykakku is typically coated with a layer of marzipan, which is dark brown color and Conifer cone-shaped and spiky.

Western and Central Europe

Moulded marzipan pigs

In Belgium and the Netherlands, ‘’marsepein‘’ (‘’marzipan’’) figures are given as Saint Nicholas's presents.

In France, massepain is the specialty of Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, a town in Limousin. It comes in biscuit shape. It is also prepared in Gironde, it is named Girondin pudding made from hard bread, brown sugar and flavored with raisins soaked in rum.[13][14]


In Germany, it is common to gift marzipan in the shape of a loaf of bread (Marzipanbrot) or in the shape of small potatoes (Marzipankartoffeln [de]) during Christmas time. Stollen can contain marzipan, and it is often featured as an ingredient in seasonal baked goods, such as Bethmännchen, Dominosteine and other Christmas cookies. One traditional new year present is known as a Glücksschwein ("lucky pig"). Mozartkugeln are a famed export of Austria made of marzipan balls dipped in dark chocolate.

In the United Kingdom, celebratory fruitcakes are decorated with a layer of marzipan- particularly Christmas cake which is covered with white sugar icing, and at Easter the Simnel cake contains a layer of marzipan, a further layer decorates the top and is lightly grilled or toasted to colour it. Battenberg cake, which originates in England, is covered in a layer of marzipan.[15]

In Geneva, a traditional part of the celebration of L'Escalade is the ritual smashing of a chocolate cauldron filled with marzipan vegetables, a reference to a Savoyard siege of the city which was supposedly foiled by a housewife with a cauldron of boiling soup.

Middle East


In Syria, marzipan (known as لوزینه lozina, lowzineh), or Marçabén (مرصبان) (Arabic word derived from lawz = "almond") is flavoured with orange-flower water and shaped into roses and other delicate flowers before they are baked. Marzipan can also be made from oatmeal, farina, or semolina.[16] For Jews in Iran, marzipan fruit is a traditional Passover treat, replacing biscuits and cakes.

According to Sephardic Jewish custom, friends of the woman giving birth would cook for her and prepare homemade marzipan. This was believed to enhance the mother’s milk and was considered a symbol of purity and good fortune for both mother and baby.[17]

The Americas


In Latin American cuisine, marzipan is known by the Spanish word mazapán and is also traditionally eaten at Christmas. In Latin American countries there is another, different confection called Mazapán de la Rosa [es], made with peanuts.[18] Mexican mazapán is typically made of peanut paste.[19]



In the Indian state of Goa, marzipan (maçapão) was introduced from Portugal. However, the Goan version uses cashew nuts instead of almonds. Goan marzipan is used to make Easter eggs. It is also used to make Christmas sweets in various shapes like fruits, flowers, stars, etc. Similarly, in the city of Mumbai, the East Indians mould their cashewnut-based or almond-based marzipan into different shapes for Christmas and into marzipan eggs, chickens and bonnets for Easter.

In the Philippines marzipan was brought from Spain, mazapán de pili (Spanish for "pili marzipan") is made from pili nuts.



There are two proposed lines of origin for marzipan; they are not necessarily contradictory and may be complementary, as there have always been Mediterranean trade and cooking influences.[20] Other sources establish the origin of marzipan in China, from where the recipe moved on to the Middle East and then to Europe through Al-Andalus.[21]

Northeast Mediterranean line

A variation of panforte with a topping of marzipan at a shop in San Gimignano

The first mention of a similar dessert dates back to ancient Greece, where the culinary values of an almond and honey paste were already praised.[22] Marzipan became a specialty of the Hanseatic League port towns. In particular, the cities of Lübeck and Tallinn have a proud tradition of marzipan manufacture. Examples include Lübecker Marzipan (PGI[23]). The city's manufacturers such as Niederegger still guarantee their marzipan to contain two-thirds almonds by weight, which results in a product of highest quality. Historically, the city of Königsberg in East Prussia was also renowned for its distinctive marzipan production. Königsberg marzipan remains a special type of marzipan in Germany that is golden brown on its surface and sometimes embedded with marmalade at its centre.[24]

In the U.S., marzipan is not officially defined, but it is generally made with a higher ratio of sugar to almonds than almond paste.[25] One brand, for instance, has 28% almonds in its marzipan, and 45% almonds in its almond paste.[26] However, in Sweden and Finland almond paste refers to a marzipan that contains 50% ground almonds, a much higher quality than regular marzipan. In Germany, Lübecker Marzipan is known for its quality. It contains 66% almonds.[27] The original manually produced Mozartkugeln are made from green pistachio marzipan.

Iberian Peninsula line

Fruit-shaped marzipan in baskets at a shop in Barcelona

Another possible geographic origin is the parts of Spain that were known as Al-Andalus. In Toledo (850–900, though more probably 1150 during the reign of Alfonso VII) this specialty was known as Postre Regio (instead of Mazapán). There are also mentions in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights of an almond paste eaten during Ramadan and as an aphrodisiac.[28] Mazapán is Toledo's most famous dessert, often created for Christmas, and has PGI status.[29] For this, almonds have to be at least 50% of the total weight, following the directives of Mazapán de Toledo regulator council.[30] Another idea to support this line is the important tradition of another Spanish almond-based Christmas confectionery, the turrón.



Persipan is a similar, but less expensive product, in which the almonds are replaced by apricot or peach kernels. Many confectionery products sold as marzipan are made from less expensive materials, such as soy paste and almond essence.[31] To control and detect the authenticity of marzipan, polymerase chain reaction methods can differentiate almonds from substitutes and adulterants at concentrations less than 1%.[32] German marzipan is made by grinding whole almonds with sugar and partially drying the paste, and French marzipan (called 'massepain') is made by combining ground almonds with sugar syrup.[33] Some marzipan is flavoured with rosewater. Spanish marzipan is made without bitter almonds. In the U.S, bitter almonds are not used in marzipan because the importation of bitter almonds into the U.S. is prohibited by U.S. law, owing to them containing a substance related to cyanide.[34] Sugar free marzipan can be made by replacing sugar with polyols such as maltitol.[35] Varieties made with other types of nuts are eaten in Latin America, and peanut-based marzipan is the most common variety in Mexico.[19]


A bowl containing several fruit-shaped marzipan pieces

The German name has largely ousted the original English name marchpane with the same apparent derivation: "March bread". (The word marchpane occurs in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 5, Line 9.) Marzapane is documented earlier in Italian than in any other language, and the sense "bread" for pan is Romance. The origin could be from the Latin term martius panis, which means bread of March. In Johann Burchard’s Diarium curiae romanae (1483–1492) the Latin form appears as martiapanis.[36] However, the ultimate etymology is unclear; for example, the Italian word derives from the Latin words "Massa" (itself from Greek Μάζα "Maza") meaning pastry and "Pan" meaning bread, this can be particularly seen in the Provençal massapan, the Portuguese maçapão (where 'ç' is an alternative letter for the phoneme usually expressed by 'ss') and old Spanish mazapán – the change from 'ss' to 'z' in Latin words was common in old Spanish and the 'r' appeared later. Among the other possible etymologies set forth in the Oxford English Dictionary, one theory proposes that the word "marzipan" may be a corruption of Martaban, a Burmese city famous for its jars.

The Real Academia Española[37] suggests the idea of the Spanish word mazapán to be derived from the Hispanic Arabic بسمة pičmáṭ, which is derived from the Greek παξαμάδιον.

Cupcakes with green icing to appear as grass and marzipan shaped as ladybugs

Another source could be from Arabic موثابان mawthābān "king who sits still".[38] The Arabic, Latinised as matapanus, was used to describe a Venetian coin depicting an enthroned Christ the King.[39] These coins were stored in ornate boxes. From about the fifteenth century, when the coins were no longer in circulation, the boxes became decorative containers for storing and serving luxury sweetmeats. One such luxury that crept into the box in the sixteenth century is the now-famous almond-flavoured marzipan, named (at least proximately) after the box in which it was stored.



To produce marzipan, raw almonds are cleaned "by sieving, air elutriation, and other electronic or mechanical devices",[40] then immersed in water with a temperature just below the boiling point for about five minutes, in a process known as blanching. This loosens the almonds' skin, which is removed by passing the almonds through rubber-covered rotating cylinders.[41] They are then cooled, after which they are coarsely chopped and ground, with up to 35% sugar, into almond flour.[42]

The almond flour mixture is roasted and cooled, after which sucrose (table sugar) and possibly a binding agent such as starch syrup or sorbitol are added.[42] It may then be moulded into any shape. Marzipan must be covered in an airtight container to prevent it from hardening and dehydrating. It should be protected from direct light to prevent rancidity of almond oil, a result of lipid oxidation.[citation needed]



Molecular composition

Benzaldehyde is a flavor compound found in almonds.

The aroma and flavor of marzipan can in part be attributed to benzaldehyde, which is formed from amygdalin.

Physical structure


Marzipan is a food emulsion that contains four phases: a solid phase of suspended particles including almonds and sugars, a suspended air pocket phase formed from incorporated air during mixing, a water phase, and a lipid phase from almond oil.[43] The phases can separate when left alone for long periods of time. It is stabilized by the phospholipids and triglycerides found in the almond cells. The fatty acids found in almonds include saturated fats such as stearic acid and unsaturated fats such as linoleic acid.[44] Emulsifiers can be added during production to increase shelf life.

Marzipan's softness is a balance between the solid and liquid components. It should have a moisture content of less than 10%.[45]

See also



  1. ^ Sinclair, Pat (2011). Scandinavian Classic Baking. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing. p. 45. ISBN 978-1-58980-897-3.
  2. ^ European Commission. "eAmbrosia". ec.europa.eu.
  3. ^ European Union. "eAmbrosia". ec.europa.eu.
  4. ^ Barer-Stein: 1999. Page 268
  5. ^ Barer-Stein: 1999. Page 356
  6. ^ "Turkish Patent and Trademark Office".
  7. ^ Mette Blomsterberg (24 August 2016). "Marcipan påskeæg" [Marzipan Easter-eggs] (in Danish). Danmarks Radio. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  8. ^ "Marcipangrisen" [The Marzipan-pig] (in Danish). Den Gamle By (Danish History Museum). 18 December 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  9. ^ "Marcipan: Lav konfekt, bagværk og søde sager" [Marzipan: Make confectionery, bakery and sweets] (in Danish). ALT.dk. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  10. ^ "Gåsebryster". Danmarks Radio. 19 August 2016. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  11. ^ "Bag en konditorklassiker! Lær at lave lækre napoleonshatte med Claus Meyer" [Bake a confectionery classic! Learn to make delicious napoleonshatte with Claus Meyer] (in Danish). bog.dk. 4 February 2021. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  12. ^ "Kalev Marzipan Museum Room". Kalev. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 8 September 2015.
  13. ^ "Les spécialités sucrées en Limousin | Limousin – Nouveaux Horizons". Limousin - Nouveaux Horizons (in French). Retrieved 2023-11-08.
  14. ^ Piauton, Marilyn (2005). France: A Menu Guide for Travellers. Gremese Editore. ISBN 978-88-7301-588-8.
  15. ^ "How to make the perfect battenberg cake". TheGuardian.com. 14 January 2016.
  16. ^ Barer-Stein: 1999. Page 245
  17. ^ Ben-Naeh, Yaron; Held Delaroza, Michal, eds. (2023). The Old Sephardi Yishuv in Eretz Israel [היישוב היהודי הספרדי הישן בארץ ישראל]. Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (in Hebrew). Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East; Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. p. 374. ISSN 1565-0774.
  18. ^ Zalben, Lee (December 22, 2010). "What's the Deal with Marzipan?". Serious Eats.
  19. ^ a b Romero, Dubraska (30 July 2007). "El Mazapán, una industria al alza". Mural. Guadalajara, Mexico. p. 18. ProQuest 373536791.
  20. ^ "Aramco World – Arabs, Almonds, Sugar and Toledo". Archived from the original on 2013-12-25. Retrieved 2017-09-27.
  21. ^ "Mazapan artesano de Toledo. Gastronomía en Castilla-La Mancha". Archived from the original on 2007-09-01.
  22. ^ Mazapan.es.
  23. ^ EU profile – Lübecker Marzipan (accessed 07/06/2009).
  24. ^ The main difference from the Luebeck style is that Königsberger Marzipan is browned on the surface and often has marmalade embedded in the centre. See German wikipedia entry here for more information. In Germany, the siblings of refugees from Königsberg still produce marzipan following traditional recipes, e.g. Gehlhaar confectioners in Wiesbaden (1912/45, seat Königsberg).
  25. ^ Welcome Love n Bake
  26. ^ "Ingredients & Nutrition Facts in Odensa Marzipan and Almond Paste".
  27. ^ "Lubeca Lübecker Marzipan-Fabrik – Lübecker Marzipan".
  28. ^ Islamyal.andalus.org Archived 2007-09-27 at the Wayback Machine.
  29. ^ EU Profile — Marzipan Toledo (accessed 07/06/2009).
  30. ^ "Mazapan". Archived from the original on 2003-07-27.
  31. ^ Minifie:1989. Page 594
  32. ^ Brüning, Philipp; Haase, Ilka; Matissek, Reinhard; Fischer, Markus (23 November 2011). "Marzipan: Polymerase Chain Reaction-Driven Methods for Authenticity Control". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 59 (22): 11910–11917. doi:10.1021/jf202484a. PMID 21999195.
  33. ^ Davidson et al: 2006. Page 484
  34. ^ Mendel: 2008. Page 288
  35. ^ Grenby, Trevor (1996). Advances in Sweeteners. Springer. p. 103. ISBN 978-0-7514-0331-2.
  36. ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Marchpane" . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 17 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 691.
  37. ^ rae.es.
  38. ^ Etymonline.com.
  39. ^ Patridge: 1958.
  40. ^ Minifie: 1989, page 594.
  41. ^ Belitz et al: 2009, page 881. In the traditional production of marzipan raw filler, sweet almonds are scalded, peeled on rubber-covered rolls, coarsely chopped, and then ground with the addition of not more than 35% of sucrose.
  42. ^ a b Belitz et al: 2009, page 881.
  43. ^ Christensen, Jakob; Nørgaard, Lars; Heimdal, Hanne; Pedersen, Joan Grønkjær; Engelsen, Søren Balling (February 2004). "Rapid Spectroscopic Analysis of Marzipan—Comparative Instrumentation". Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 12 (1): 63–75. Bibcode:2004JNIS...12...63C. doi:10.1255/jnirs.408. S2CID 94188094.
  44. ^ "Almond Board of California – Almond Composition" (PDF).
  45. ^ Booth, R. Gordon (2012-12-06). Snack Food. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-1-4613-1477-6.

